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black & white

are they even colors to begin with? black & white. well of course they appear in all color charts, and it’s probably the most widely used ones. some hates it and can only relate them to televisions of the early 60’s while others swear by it in designs and themes. so why black & white you ask? i like them.

there’s a certain feel to it, and it just blends well with everything. it expresses calmness and at the same time shouts “look at me”. there’s no right or wrong with them, it’s just them and everything else. yes i like them.

iftt - if this then that

if this then that. universal equation to everything. understanding it will give you control over the world, seriously. everything happens for a reason and if by any chance, someone can see far enough to create a ripple that eventualy translates into the future he or she wants, he will rule the world. and why am i talking about this? because that’s the future. if this then that.

the third possibility - chapter 1

something i wanted to write about for a long time. the third possibility of everything. one of the main difference of a highly effective person is that he, or she, is able to decide what happens next. the thin fine line between yes and no, the third possibility is what could have been if it wasn’t a yes or a no. impossible? think again.

everything happens for a reason, there’s always a stimulant followed by a reaction. what takes place between these two is the determining factor for the third possibility. we often read that most people listen to reply, but what we all should be doing is listen to understand, then only we reply. the same goes here, do we react for the sake of reacting? or do we decide what our reaction is going to be, as it will then initiate a domino effect on everything else after that.

what never took place is never recorded. there’s no statistics to show how effective or whether it was a right or wrong decision, or what could have happened if a different decision was made, a different reaction was posted. so how do we know what to do? or not to do? there’s really no answer to that. or should we say, the answer does not matter. the important part of this is that, it changes everything. the moment we realize there’s a fine gap that allows us to control the outcome of every decision, it changes everything. we always asked ourselves what if, what would but we almost never get a second chance. so how do we go about getting what we want from here?

knowing what you want. that is the big question. and it doesn’t end there. to know what you want out of any situation means you need to assess all the possibilities and which one leads to your objective. to know your objective, you need to determine if there were any objectives set in the first place. we do not get up everyday and set out with everything clear in our minds, we merely walk through our day and everything else that comes with it. so how could anyone decide anything with so many anomalies on such short notice? impossible.

not quite. sometimes our mind plays tricks on us. most of the time actually. till now no one can pin point where does the heart stand in control of the mind. we do have answers, we just need to look at the right place inside us.

the third possibility - chapter 2

how do we make decisions? by logic? common sense? knowledge? experience? gut feel? emotions? or all the above? whichever it is, where do all these fall into determining the outcome that we want? logic will tell us it should happen in normal circumstances. common senses says that’s how it should be. knowledge empowers us with answeres to questions. experience shows us the likelihood of something taking place the same way again. gut feel is no more than warm fuzzy feeling telling you which way you should go. emotions will lead you to address your feeling at that time only. 

decision making is more complicated than it seems. lets try to dissect the anatomy of decision making. it starts with a need to decide, which in most cases, a situation that requires intervention, change or just the arrival of a scheduled time. then comes the gap between the need and the decision, the void where one needs to consider the options, possible decisions that can be made. the options then further branch out to reasoning behind each one, and what would every option lead to. then comes the big question of making a choice among the options.

1. need to decide - importance, severity & urgency

2. options - justifying the options vs expected outcome

3. choosing - best possible option vs most wanted

to be continued..

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